First Light Photographs
Red Eagle Lake & St. Mary Lake / 2010 Trip Overview / Home

I wasn't planning on doing this hike, but it was the only one in the area that I could get a permit for at the time. The hike to Red Eagle lake is all through burned forest, then the trail cuts over a little ridge to the shore of St. Mary Lake and follows the length of it, parallel to the Going to the Sun Road, and exits at the St. Mary Falls trailhead. The exciting thing about this hike was running into two pine martens when I was stopped to take a photo at an overlook on the St. Mary Lake trail. They ran at full speed down the trail straight towards me, one chasing the other, then saw me and were startled and ran into some brush, which gave me a second to switch back to the longer lens and get a few photos before they ran away. The larger one was very aggressive, running right up to me and making chirping/barking sounds after the other smaller and cinnamon colored one got away.

- Red Eagle Lake, Glacier NP -
- Red Eagle Lake, Glacier NP -

- Cinnamon Colored Pine Marten, Glacier NP -
- Cinnamon Colored Pine Marten, Glacier NP -

- Brown and White Pine Marten, Glacier NP -
- Brown and White Pine Marten, Glacier NP -

- Brown and White Pine Marten Lunging Forward, Glacier NP -
- Brown and White Pine Marten Lunging Forward, Glacier NP -

- Brown and White Pine Marten Standing Up, Glacier NP -
- Brown and White Pine Marten
Standing Up, Glacier NP -

- Pika, Glacier NP -
- Pika, Glacier NP -

- Aerial View of a Penninsula on St. Mary Lake, Glacier NP -
- Aerial View of a Penninsula
on St. Mary Lake, Glacier NP -
All Photographs © Weston Harries / First Light Photographs
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