First Light Photographs
Siyeh Bend to Sunrift Gorge / 2010 Trip Overview / Home

This is one of the best day hikes in Glacier because within a short distance you get some really dramatic views and a lot of variety. The trail first climbs to a nice sub alpine garden-like area called Preston Park, then over Siyeh Pass with great views from an exposed alpine environment, there's a spur trail that brings you up close to Sexton Glacier (green flag), and the trail then drops down to Sunrift Gorge and back to the road (yellow flag), all within an 11 mile hike. I want to do it as a short overnighter and camp off trail at a lake near Preston Park (red flag). The shuttle system makes this pretty convenient - I can just park my car at Sunrift Gorge and take the shuttle to the beginning of the hike a few miles up the road (blue flag).

Well this hike didn't go as planned, but it was definitely exciting. Basically, there had been 4 days or so of terrible weather with low clouds so nothing was visible, and then yesterday there was a little window of nice weather so I headed out on this overnight hike. Well the first hour was partly cloudy and warm, second hour it was hailing, third was freezing rain, and then snow. It all cleared away just before sunset and it was really nice, but soon after sunset it clouded over and began snowing again, and the wind was howling so loud you could hear the major gusts coming long before they hit. In the morning the trail over the pass was snowed over and the wind had to be at least 40mph sustained with faster gusts, enough to push you around quite a bit. After I decided to turn around and I was heading back a guy caught up with me who had come over the pass from the other side, with an ice axe and crampons, and said he slipped down the slope 30 feet and had to dig in the ice axe to stop the slide. I still want to get a look at Sexton Glacier so I will try to go back when the snow has melted.

- Unnamed Pond in Preston Park During a Summer Snowfall, Glacier NP -
- Unnamed Pond in Preston Park During a Summer Snowfall, Glacier NP -

- Reflection of the Sunset in an Unnamed Lake in Preston Park, Glacier NP -
- Reflection of the Sunset in an Unnamed Lake
in Preston Park, Glacier NP -

- Reflection of Matahpi Peak in an Unnamed Lake in Preston Park, Glacier NP -
- Reflection of Matahpi Peak in an Unnamed Lake
in Preston Park, Glacier NP -

- Black Bear Cub Sleeping in an Aspen Tree, Glacier NP -
- Black Bear Cub Sleeping in an Aspen Tree, Glacier NP -

- Black Bear Sow With Two Cubs, Glacier NP -
- Black Bear Sow With Two Cubs, Glacier NP -

- Black Bear Sow With Two Cubs, Glacier NP -
- Black Bear Sow With Two Cubs, Glacier NP -

- Reflection of Matahpi Peak in an Unnamed Lake in Preston Park, Glacier NP -
- Reflection of Matahpi Peak in an Unnamed Lake
in Preston Park, Glacier NP -

All Photographs © Weston Harries / First Light Photographs
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