First Light Photographs
Cut Bank Creek / 2010 Trip Overview / Home

This is an easy backpacking trip up Cut Bank Creek, leading to Medicine Grizzly Lake (blue flag) and Morning Star Lake (red flag), and then backtracking to finish the hike where it started (yellow flag). If there are permits available for this trail, it would be a good one to start with when I first arrive at Glacier because it isn't strenuous, and it's an area I've never hiked into before. I might even bring my packraft along on this one so I can paddle around on the two lakes and maybe down the creek part of the way.

This hike in the Cut Bank Creek area was really nice! I don't know why I never hiked back there before. Not too many people go there because there's a long dirt road to get to the trailhead and there are no facilities provided. The trail is nice, it accesses 4 lakes and two passes within a short distance because the two valleys are so compact. I chose to go up to Triple Divide Pass above Medicine Grizzly Lake, then up the other valley to Morning Star Lake, then back out. There were postings warning of grizzly activity but there was also a trail crew out there banging shovels and probably scaring off most wildlife, though I did see a little black bear.

- Sunset From Triple Divide Pass, Glacier NP -
- Sunset From Triple Divide Pass, Glacier NP -

- Tent and Triple Divide Peak Illuminated by a Full Moon, Glacier NP -
- Tent and Triple Divide Peak
Illuminated by a Full Moon, Glacier NP -

- Black Bear Cub Eating Berries, Glacier NP -
- Black Bear Cub Eating Berries, Glacier NP -

- Overlooking Medicine Grizzly Lake, Glacier NP -
- Overlooking Medicine Grizzly Lake, Glacier NP -
All Photographs © Weston Harries / First Light Photographs
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