First Light Photographs
Logan Pass to Belly River / 2010 Trip Overview / Home

This route starts at Logan Pass at the peak of the Going to the Sun Road, and heads out north on the Highline Trail, which follows a relatively level path that hugs the west side of the Lewis Range at a high elevation just below the continental divide. There are a few spur trails going to overlooks which give views into the valleys on the east side of the divide, but the majority of the time the views are to the west across the broad valley towards the peaks of the parallel Livingston Range. I plan to camp at the overlooks (the two green flags) the first two nights to be able to catch both sunset and sunrise from both sides of the divide, which will greatly increase my chances of getting some spectacular photos.

The trail then drops down from the Highline to Waterton Valley and immediately begins to climb (blue flag) up towards Stoney Indian Pass, which brings you over into the Belly River area where there are several lakes and waterfalls to see along the way.

My car will be parked at the Canadian border where the hike will end, and to start the hike I'll have to get from there to St. Mary 26 miles away to catch the free shuttle to Logan Pass. The options are a $20 shuttle that has bad timing, hitch hike (easy because there's only one road so everybody's going the right way), or bike the 26 miles (mostly downhill and flat, could be fun but tiring before a long hike). We'll see what happens!

All Photographs © Weston Harries / First Light Photographs
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